Doing Sydney With Kids has launched!

We’ve finally launched!

Doing Sydney With Kids was created by a journalist and mum of one who struggled to find things to do with her six-month-old baby after the string of Sydney lockdowns. After trawling through various websites, she thought, “wouldn’t it be easier if this was all in one place and you could find an event relative to your child’s age bracket?” and viola.

Launched in March 2022, Doing Sydney With Kids is at the beginning of its life’s journey of helping your find things to do with your kids, so we would love to hear from events and businesses hosting child-friendly activities. You could be a festival, markets, exhibition, cafe with a play centre, an art class made for kids or a mums and bubs yoga studio. Whatever it is, we’d love to hear about it! You can get in touch via the details below.

It’s pretty much a one-woman show at the moment, so bare with us (me) as we (I) continue to add new content and make tweaks to the website and social pages.

And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and sign up for our newsletter!

Email: [email protected]